Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Breaking Up with NYC :(

It hasn't really hit me yet. Can't believe today is my last day with the city. It's been 4 years of pure amazingness, and I can't quite grasp that it's really coming to an end. Moving here, I had no idea how much growing up I had to do. I thought I knew it all... had life all figured out. I remember telling a good friend, "The NEXT guy I date, I will marry. I just know it! You watch." haha I couldn't have been more off.  So young, so innocent, so naive, so spoiled. The city was exactly what I needed. It challenged me. Gave me thicker skin. Allowed me to meet all walks of life... Crazy people, mean people, free spirits, billionaires, mentors, mobsters, assholes, followed by 10 million more! Even the bad ones, I'm thankful for because they helped me learn more about life and myself.

I've done this twice before- just picked up and left it all to start a new chapter. I did it when I left Pace to go to UF. I did it again when I left UF to move to the city. And, now I'm leaving the city to travel the world. Each time I move, I ball my freaking eyes out. But what's different with leaving the city is that you're never really ready to leave this place. It's more than just a city. The girls weren't lying on Sex & the City when they said, "The city is like your boyfriend." Boy, do you have your ups and downs with it. One day you'll love it, the next day you'll hate it. One moment you're sweaty and miserable in the subway. The next moment the air feels crisp and clean, and you couldn't imagine a more perfect day. It's weird how you build a relationship with this place. It's unlike no other.

I wanna make a cheers to the most amazing city in the world! I'll never forget landing at LGA with nothing but 2 suitcases, no friends, zero money, and not a clue what I was about to be thrown into. I'll never forget sleeping head to head on a couch with my best friend. The most stressful time of my life- the mice invasion in our first UES apartment. Gus Gus and Calvin, may your carcasses rest in peace. My Devil Wears Prada boss that I was able to break down and soften up. The Triple Threat. Dinners at Graffiti, Extra Virgin, The Little Owl. Crazy nights at Cain. Saturday mornings dancing with my kids. The World Series. Helicopter rides. Spa days. Shopping like it was my job! First date panic attacks. My Mr. Big. Girlfriends always being just a phone call away. Slowing down. Finding peace and beauty amongst the chaos. Flying out of the city so excited to get away from it all. Flying back into the city, seeing the breathtaking skyline, and realizing how much you've missed it all. Threatening to move out of the city every Winter. Watching the city come back to life in Spring. Having a nervous breakdown after the busyness of Summer. Falling back in love with the city by Fall. And repeat...

You'll always have a special place in my heart. I <3 NYC.
