Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Lessons Learned

It's been a while. Nearly 6 months have passed. A half a year ago, I was packing up my NYC studio, fastening my angel wings, and crossing my fingers for the best. It's crazy how much has happened. Two weeks in Cali --> two weeks in Florida --> two months in New Zealand. 

You guys saw... I did it all! Milked my first cow, zorbed, scuba dived Poor Knights Island, completed the Tongariro Crossing, got attacked by a seal (haha okay, I exaggerate :)), spotted my first whale in the wild, walked the charming streets of Christchurch before the horrible crisis, hung out with endangered penguins, bungy jumped the world's first site, survived the epic 5-day Milford Sound hike, rode helicopters through glaciers, skydived Abel Tasman, killed the Christmas turkey, and even found time to fall in love. 1, 2, 3... catch me while I collapse! Talk about a trip of a lifetime! No words, no blog, nothing can ever express how amazing this trip was. I learned a lot about myself on this adventure. Great life lessons that have changed me forever. Some silly, some serious, some make me sound like a complete idiot. Makes me wonder why I even bother sharing these things :)...

Lesson Learned #1:
I'm more like my daddy than I thought. I'm a lot more simple. Let's just say, I no longer dream of a million carat diamond. I actually prefer something more low maintenance. My taste has change. My priorities have definitely changed.

Lesson Learned #2:
I will have a garden one day. Not only does it bring fresh, organic food to the table, but it brings a family together. Growing and maintaining a garden is such a brilliant family activity. 

Lesson Learned #3:
When people ask what I like to do during my spare time, I can now add star gazing and bird watching to my list. And, I'll make sure to say that with a lisp. 

Lesson Learned #4:
Traveling alone is phenomenal. You think clearer. No distractions. No noise. You are more able to take in every little detail.

Lesson Learned #5:
The Kiwi way of life is one that I look up to. It's upbeat, happy, with no worries. Life is all good. They are my kind of people!

Lesson Learned #6:
A cold beer never tasted so good, until after a hard day of work out in the sun! I'm talking hard core manual labor. It has changed my appreciation and taste of beer forever!

Lesson Learned #7:
Never thought this before, but I could totally live abroad.

Lesson Learned #8:
Age really aint nothing but a number! I've met countless youngins in their early 20's who are mature and successful beyond their years. One thing that they all have in common- they didn't go to college but instead went straight into their professional careers. Makes me wonder... What did my 5 years at the University of Florida really teach me? Did I really need it to succeed in life or was it more of an excuse to stall growing up?

Lesson Learned #9:
I'm 20% city girl, 30% country girl, and 50% beach girl! And, my metabolic age is 23! ;)

Lesson Learned #10:
I'm such a kid at heart. I don't think I'll ever lose my goofy, giggly, girly side! 

Lesson Learned #11:
You know I'm 100% comfortable around you, if I snort in front of you.

Lesson Learned #12:
I love to travel, but I hate feeling like a tourist. 

Lesson Learned #13:
NYC has the world's best nail salons. Hands down! They are #1 in quality, price and even color selection! 

Lesson Learned #14:
I really do love fashion. I miss my closet more than anything!!! Lord help me.

Lesson Learned #15:
When you know, you know. It's not something you can explain or anyone else will ever really understand. <3